EMF Resources

HERE is some information and links to documents and videos that will help you understand more about EMF (electromagnetic fields), the dangers they present, and how to protect yourself and your children. I began having optical migraines withing five days of getting my first smart phone with 4G LTE technology. This was frightening! After three months and many medical tests I realized my cell phone was the cause and turned it off. My migraines stopped immediately! I now keep my phone in Airplane Mode and use it for calls or text only in emergencies.

First: note that the fine print for every cell phone says, if you can find it, the device should never be held closer than 1 cm (approx 1/4 inch) from the body. When held closer the radiation exceeds the SAR limit by as much as TEN times. Go here to check the fine print for your own phone: http://www.showthefineprint.org/

But cell phone radiation and other EMFs are harmful at levels well below the SAR standards.

Go here to read the BioInitiative report on the harm caused by radio frequency radiation, which details the damage cause by even low level exposures to EMF!! https://www.bioinitiative.org/

Books & Documentaries:

“Disconnect” by Devra Davis documents the research and coverups

An amazing 1972 Navy report on the effects of RF radiation

“Mobilize” a 2015 documentary about cell phone radiation

A Google book list  – I haven’t read most of these but have watched interviews with many authors

Other Informative Sites:


And check out these links, some are long but it’s worth it.

How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe

Video on the above Nation article: Mark Hertsgaard

Dr.Nicholas Gonzales, M.D. – EMF Is A Catastrophy In The Making !
Camilla Rees – One of the most important mistakes ever made!Devra Davis 2012 – Cell phone dangers             

Devra Davis 2015 – The truth about … wireless radiation

Cell Phone Radiation demonstration

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmQUw6dZS5M  PSA

There is a lot more good information available. This trailer is for the most recent (2017) major documentary discussing the dangers of cell phones. If you buy this DVD you will find it contains several valuable interviews in addition to the movie.

 Reviews of this movie on Facebook: Here

Click here for information on 5G Health Concerns

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